But enough excuses. The RACE is (finally) on. Peter Shumlin, a democrat from Windham County, scooped up the democratic nomination and now he's off on the campaign trail, taking the fight to Republican candidate Brian Dubie.
We're super stoked to have Shumlin as our Democratic candidate for governor. He's a bold candidate who won't back down on the issues AND he was instrumental in passing the bill to decommission VY last February. We plan on making sure he has a strong a plan for replacing VY and building the clean energy infrastructure our state needs.
And that's not all. The most exciting part of the primary had nothing to do with who won. The turnout was almost double what was expected! This is AWESOME. Vermonters are making their voices heard and keeping their elected officials accountable. We'll be working all fall to make sure that, come November, this trend continues.
We hope to see you around the state and make sure to stay tuned for our kick-ass 10/10/10 plans!
The Race to Replace Team

The re-count results come in. Shumlin, left, celebrates his victory while Racine, right, learns the bad news.
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