The news coming from D.C. is pretty depressing. If you've been following the issue at all, you'll know that despite the fact that 60% of Americans favor making BP executives walk the plank into their own slimy waters (okay I made up that statistic but I imagine it's pretty accurate and besides, you get the point), Congress failed to muddle through a single decisive action against climate change. The technical term is, I believe, TOTAL SHIT SHOW. Since I'm not really qualified to explain why the bill failed so dismally, I'm going to recommend you read
this analysis by David Roberts of Grist. It's a good article, but please don't get too depressed reading it. The most important thing we can do right now is not shut down, to not tune out, to not disengage. We have to keep asking questions, keep pestering our legislators and keep shouting until our voices are heard. We have to stay in the fight.
Hope is not lost. In fact, on the grassroots level it is alive and kickin' and yowlin'. Yesterday, for example, the Race to Replace team saw a cat riding a bicycle. And, goddamnit, if cats can ride bicycles, switching to clean energy should be a snap for those of us with opposable thumbs.
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